Information about Native Plant Sale **Click Here**
Walk waiver click here to sign online
Notice: Please click here to view updated Constitution of North Shore Audubon Society
Established in 1952, the North Shore Audubon Society area comprises most of Northern Nassau County. All our meetings and walks are open to the public and all levels of birders are welcome. North Shore Audubon Society is one of seven Audubon Societies on Long Island and also belongs to AudubonNY. National Audubon Society assigns those who live in our area to NSAS. You can also join NSAS separately. To learn more about our history and board of directors click here.
Meetings during COVID are virtual and held on ZOOM. When we are able to resume in person meetings they will be at the Manhasset Library the fourth Tuesday of October, November, January, February, March, April and May at 7 pm and in September at Garvies Point Museum and Preserve during International Cleanup.
The North Shore Audubon Youtube channel has recordings of our zoom presentations, and clips of birds and wildlife filmed by our members.
The newsletter lists the content of all programs as does the calendar.
Also in the newsletter and on the calendar, look for spring and fall bird walks with leaders on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Look for winter and summer leaderless walks on Wednesdays. COVID Restrictions apply to all walks, with leaders and leaderless. You must register in advance by emailing This is required for contact tracing. Participation is limited, masks and social distancing required.
Guided walks are Wednesdays and Saturdays September- November and resuming March – June. Wednesday Leaderless Walks go from December through February and June through August and will be on the calendar. Walks start at 9:30 am. For information, check the calendar and our Facebook groups. Walks are for beginners and experienced birders alike. Weather permitting, walks start at 9:30AM unless indicated otherwise on the calendar. If in doubt, please call the trip leader. Please note: all phone numbers are area code 516 unless noted. In most cases, the contacts are also leaders for the respective walks.
We encourage carpooling, where possible. Please note there is a $15 per car fee at Sands Pt. and $5 at Bailey Arboretum. Call leader for parking ideas.
Wednesday Leaderless Walks go from December through February and June through August and will be on the calendar. Walks start at 9:30 am. For information, check the calendar and our Facebook groups.
As an Audubon society we work to further conservation of natural resources and to educate the community.
For questions about wildlife go to our FAQ page or contact us at