Citizen Science

photo of oyster catchers by Joan Parry

Count Shorebirds during migration

Each fall and spring, Audubon New York conducts a modified version of International Shorebird Surveys (ISS), developed by the Manomet Center of Conservation Sciences, to help monitor migrating shorebirds. This important citizen science research helps to document important stopover habitat and create a snapshot of shorebird populations. We survey pre-selected sites, based on eBird data, each spring and fall. Our spring survey period is April 5th to June 15th and the fall migration survey period is July 15th to October 25th. We ask volunteers to survey their routes three times per month, on the 5th, 15th, and 25th, (+/- 3 days). Besides recording the number of each shorebird species that we see, we also record factors like tide and disturbance levels. Volunteers enter all survey data onto the ISS eBird site. If you or someone you know is a skilled birded who may be interested in becoming a surveyor, please contact Amanda at

Share the Beach with Nesting Birds

Contact Amanda at if you can volunteer to educate beach goers a few times during the summer.


Get the app for free for your phone or use you computer ( to record the birds you have seen.

International Beach Cleanup

  1. Garvies Point Museum and Preserve-
  2. Manorhaven Beach Park, contact Manhasset Bay Protection,-

Litter that is collected is listed and weighed. See September calendar.

Project Feederwatch – Cornell Lab of Ornithology – Count birds at your feeder from November until beginning of April.

Join the Big Sit, Oct 7 & 8, 2017

Great Backyard Bird Count, February every year

Horseshoe Crab Counts

In Port Washington and Sands Point in May, June and July every 2 weeks.

Contact –

Christmas Bird count

Saturday in December, contact Jennifer Wilson Pines, 516 767 3454

Dinner after count will be at dusk at TR Bird Sanctuary.

photo of mating horseshoe crabs by Peggy Maslow