Use Native Plants

photo of cedar waxwings eating from serviceberry tree By Maria de Bruyn


Native plants naturally occur
in the region in which they
evolved. They are adapted to
local soil, rainfall and temperature
conditions, and have developed
natural defenses to many
insects and diseases. Because
of these traits, native plants will
grow with minimal use of water,
fertilizer, and pesticides. Wildlife
species evolved with plants;
therefore, they use native plant
communities as their habitat.
Using native plants helps preserve
the balance and beauty of
natural ecosystems.




Make your backyard a native plant habitat:

  • to attract birds and butterflies
  • to help birds and butterflies survive
  • to conserve water

Planting with native plants will draw insect and fruit eating birds that won’t come
to a seed feeder. At different times of the year fruits, seeds, nectar, nuts and an array
of insects attracted to the plants are available. Not only do insects add value as
pollinators and predators, but they are the main food source for many birds. Even
seed and fruit eating birds will go after insects during breeding season for the high
protein content.


List of North Shore Audubon Suggested Native Plants, click here and click here


Use website to see photos of plants
National Audubon website
American Beauty native plants website
Lady Bird Johnson wild flower website
Douglas Talamy website-
Brooklyn Botanic Garden -Native Alternatives to Invasive Plants,
New York Botanical Garden-

PDF of brochure – 10 Native Plants

Native Alternatives to Invasive Plants – Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Bringing Nature Home by Douglas W. Tallamy
New York and New Jersey, Getting Started Garden Guide by Vincent A. Simeone
Contact NSAS representative for help –
Visit local native plant gardens at – Garvies Point Museum and Preserve, Planting
Fields Arboretum, Clark Gardens, Science Museum of LI, Bailey Arboretum

Gray-cheeked thrush eating a dogwood berry by Carol Tuskey